Jon Longworth 1965 - 1966


Here's the story about Odnac as I was told in 1965. 

We had a commanding officer by the name of Col. Frank Miller and one morning he called everyone together for a "pep" talk.  It may have been a monthly function, but I do not remember. 

Anyway he went on and on about these ants he had seen crawling up a post and carrying things on their backs that were heavier than what they weighed. 

He said that was a "can do " attitude and he wanted to see it in his men also. 

So someone (?) turned can do around and got odnac.  

This all happened before I got to Thailand so it is second hand info. 

Anyway, they had kites and other things with Odnac on it and it drove the security (G2) guys crazy  wondering what it meant and if it was a subversive code name for something.
And that's the story as I was related to me. 
Richard W. Jaslovsky Web Master